Vote in the Leeds Beer Awards 2024

This year we have shortlisted all venue categories, with the beer categories still being freeform votes.

You can choose up to five choices per category, and you can vote the same choice multiple times if you really want to.

You will be able to amend your votes up until the vote closes on the 31st December. Winners will be announced live on Instagram on the 4th January 2025.

Jump to a category:

Best Pub

Any shortlisted venue within our region classified as a pub

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Best Bar

Any shortlisted venue within our region classified as a bar

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Best Bottle Shop

Any shortlisted venue within our region which offers a sizeable range of take-out beers

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Best Brewery

Any brewery within our region

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Best Brewery Taproom

Any shortlisted brewery taproom venue within our region

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Best Cask Venue

Any shortlisted venue within our region which serves quality cask ales

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Best Outdoor Space

Any shortlisted venue within our region with either a beer garden or outdoor space

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Best Family Friendly Venue

Any shortlisted venue which caters for families or is child-friendly

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Best Social Media Presence

A category shortlisted especially by us - who you think has delivered the best social media posts this year?

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Best New Venue

Any shortlisted venue who is new this year

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Best Beer

Any beer brewed by a brewery in our region within the last 12 months

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Best Low/No Alcohol Beer

Any beer brewed by a brewery in our region within the last 12 months which is 2.5% ABV or less

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Best Session Beer

Any beer brewed by a brewery in our region within the last 12 months which is between 2.5% and 5% ABV

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